VIDAcare is a modular solution that can be fully customized. All modules seamlessly integrate with each other and with external systems. The availability of each module can be limited to specific users or user groups. Users can have multiple profiles in order to simplify their daily work.


A rule based AI algorithm guarantees the best slots for each patient while optimizing equipment usage and physicians’ agenda. Enhance patient care with pre-requirements sharing and minimize cancellations with SMS/e-mail reminders.


A fully digital workflow that assures a fast admission process while integrating with peripheral devices such as scanners, printers and citizenship card readers. Assure revenue with critical data collection and billing software integration during registration.


A prioritized and annotated worklist keeps the patient flow organized and on-schedule, while a functional interface gathers all important information for  technicians and physicians.


Improve the performance of physicians and typists with a UX focused interface, PACS integration and report template set. VIDAcare supports all reporting methods such as dictation, direct report or speech recognition.

Archiving & Delivery

Boost customer satisfaction with an effective archiving and delivery process. Distribute via e-mail, portal or printed booklet. All reports are labelled and tagged for a richer database and further usage in machine learning approaches.


Financial, control and perfomance real-time dashboards are available for the corresponding profiles. Avoid customer complaints, improve executive strategy and overcome perfomance issues.

Complementary Modules

VIDAcare has more modules than the ones listed above, including billing, typing, consultations and many more. All complementary modules are optional and can be included in your solution.